M. Mihalache1*, L. Ilie1, M. Todorova2, N. Grozeva2
1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania 2Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Abstract. Luvisols extend over 500 to 600 million hectares world-wide, for the greater part in temperate regions such as west/central Russia, the USA and Europe but also in the Mediterranean and in Southern Australia WRBSR (1998). In Romania, Luvisols occupy an area of over 4.2 million hectares. Luvisols are characterized with a textural contrast between A and B horizon – the Ea horizon has less clay than the Bt horizon. This difference in clay content between the two horizons is due to the physical transfer of clay (termed lessivage) from the Ea (eluvial) to the Bt (illuvial) horizon by vertically draining soil water. The aim of theresearchwastoidentifythemainlimitingfactorsofAlbicluvisols fromtheNorthRomanianPlainareaforagriculturalproduction.Physicalandchemical parameters of soil in the studied area were determined. The analysis has identified a number of negative factors which require the application of measures for improvement.Forinstance:highclaycontent,veryacidicsoilreaction,low nutrientavailabilityduetohighaluminumcontent,lowtotalporosityandverylow permeabilitytowateroftenleadstostagnationofwateronthesurfaceinslightlydepressionareas.Albicluvisols fromtheNorthRomanianPlainareaare characterized with low fertility and require urgent improvement measures.