S. Pochişcanu*, T. Robu, A. Gherasim, M. Zaharia
Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iaşi, Romania
Abstract. Specialists in the USA, European Union, Japan, Australia, China, etc., Investigating industrial exploitation of biomass used in all forms and all adequate technologies. In this context appeared “stars biomass”, of which emerges, first, to the temperate continental sorghum, known and used for many years in the USA, China, Italy and France. Improvement of some technological sequences cultivation of sorghum, is a matter of great importance to our country, in order to obtain high yields, to provide the necessary food, feed raw material in the production of bioethanol, considered a fuel of the future. Experiences has been located in the specific climatic conditions of Secuieni, Central Moldavia, bifactorial type. The biological matherial used were hybrids F32, Armida, Alize, Quebec and KSH2G06. Mineral fertilizers applied to grain sorghum crop, increased grain production. Variation in grain production in grain sorghum varys depending on hybrid and the influence of fertilization. Using higher seeding densities cause significant production increases in grain sorghum, and the production level depends of cultivated hybrid and climatic conditions. The results of this study are part of a doctoral program, funded by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports research, the IOSUD USAMV Iaşi.