T. Joshua, J. Zalkuwi, M.M. Audu
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Adamawa State University Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
(Manuscript received 27 September 2018; accepted for publication 10 April 2019)
Abstract. This study was designed to analyze the profitability of cowpea production in Mubi South Local Government Area of Adamawa state. The primary data were collected through the use of structured questionnaires. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used for the selection of a study area. Descriptive statistics and inferential techniques were used as analytical tools. The result shows that most of the cowpea producers (64%) were aged between 20-49 years with males dominating the business and the majority of the respondents (57%) were married. Household size was relatively large, 78% had some form of formal education and a greater proportion of the respondents (86%) did not belong to any farmer’s association. Most of the respondents (61%) are full-time farmers, while about 92 % of cowpea farmers had between 6 – >15 years of experience in cowpea production. Most of the farmers (78%) had one form of formal education. The computed gross margin and net farm income were N289128.2/ha (=816.5USD) and N286976.3/ha (=810.4USD), respectively, for cowpea production, which indicated that cowpea production was profitable in the area. It is recommended that, there is need for government support in terms of revitalization and priority finding extension delivery activities and agricultural development programs (ADP) in the study and area, access to subsidized farm input (such as pesticide, fertilizer and herbicide) and making credit facilities accessible and affordable to enable farmers boost their production.