Assessment of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes based on their agronomic characters and tolerance to biotic stress

İ. Öztürk1*, A. Şen2, T.H. Kılıç1, Ş. Şili1

1Trakia Agricultural Research Institute, Edirne, Turkey
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey

(Manuscript received 15 April 2019; accepted for publication 10 September 2019)

Abstract. The aim of the study was to investigate the occurrence and severity of biotic stress factors, quality and agronomic parameters and its effect on yield and quality character of wheat genotypes. The experiment was conducted at Trakia Agricultural Research Institute, Edirne experimental area, during 2013-2015 cropping years. Grain yield, days of heading, plant height, 1000-kernel weight, test weight, protein ratio, leaf rust, stripe rust, Septoria leaf spot and relationship among these parameters were investigated. Based on a two years data, apart from protein content, other parameters showed significant difference (p<0.05). When compared to the mean yields in both cropping years, the genotypes Gelibolu and BBVD-3, BBVD-4, BBVD-9 genotypes were determined the better-adapted genotypes under target environment. Cultivar Aldane and TCI011322-8 line was detected as very tolerant to leaf rust and stripe rust in both years under the infection of field condition. Aldane had higher protein ratio, 1000-kernel weight and test weight. Grain yield was positively correlated with test weight and negatively correlated with foliar diseases. A highly significant negative correlation was determined between grain yield and plant height in both growing years. Leaf rust and Septoria tritici leaf disease had negative effect on protein ratio in both years. There was a significant positive relation between 1000-kernel weight and test weight. Results of the study indicated that based on biotic stress factors BBVD-6, BBVD-7 and TCI011322-8 are promising lines that need to be improved a bit further.