V. Dimova, D. Dinev, Y. Popova, Y. Mitev
Abstract. The objective of the study is to develop and explain from a theoretical and analytical point of view suitable and economical design solutions for a farm for 108 – 120 dairy cows with different systems of cleaning and storage of manure and afterwards to prepare a comparative analysis of their most important technological and technical and economic parameters. A total of 2 technological variants for free rearing of cows in a three-line building with end food trail have been compared (one variant for cleaning solid manure by a tractor with a bulldozer shovel and its storage on a site fenced from three sides with reinforced concrete walls and bottom linked through a ditch to a dug-in liquid manure scoop pit and one variant for cleaning liquid manure by a scraper installation and its storage in a reinforced concrete semi-dug lagoon). It has been found out that the variant with a solid manure management system is more economical by relative: built-up area and volume, costs of basic construction materials (concrete, reinforcement and structural steel) and investment costs for constructing the technological profile of the floor of the building, as well as the facilities and equipment for cleaning, transportation and storage of manure. It requires 1,97 times less capital investments (971,30 EUR/stock place) for both constructing and equipping the farm with the variant for liquid manure management (1909,30 EUR/stock place).