Economic efficiency of fattening on different genotypes slow-growing and fast-growing broiler chickens

  1. Oblakova*, Y. Popova, P. Hristakieva, N. Mincheva, M. Lalev


Agricultural Institute, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

(Manuscript received 21 June 2017; accepted for publication 16 January 2018)


Abstract. In the present study six lines from the National Gene Pool (Bulgaria) were used, four of which – line NG (New Hampshire G), line E (Barred Plymouth Rock), line Ss (Sussex) and line F (NG x Red Rhode Island) as maternal forms in the crossing schedule and two sire lines, meat type – line L (White Plymouth Rock) and line M (Cornish), for production of slow-growing broilers. The effect of genotype on meat quality traits was studied with 5 groups of 150 unsexed day-old chicks from each genotype, and after the manifestation of sexual dimorphism – male and female chickens at 70 and 84 days of age. In valuation on revenues and costs of the fattening of the compared groups current prices at the time of the experiment were used. Cost of feed is determined according to the actual feed. In determining the economic efficiency of fattening, three variants of sales prices per kg of meat – 3.60 BGN/kg, 4.65 BGN/kg and 5.30 BGN/ kg have been analysed. The rate of profitability is a synthetic indicator for economic efficiency, calculated by the formula: NP = (Profitability / Production costs) * 100, %. Feed expenses for experimental group I were lowered by 22.8%, while in groups II, III, and IV- by 13.48%, 9.42% and 9.05%, respectively, compared to group V, which registered the highest consumption of feed in the amount of 5.52 BGN. The share of feed expenses in group I was 53.45% of total expenses, and in groups II, III, and IV group they were 59.88%, 56.30%, 57.50%, and 56.87%, respectively. The highest profits per the accepted sale prices were observed in group V- 10.71 BGN, 13.68 BGN and 15.52 BGN, respectively, followed by group IV with 8.56 BGN, 10.92 BGN, and 12.38 BGN, respectively.  At a level of sale prices of 3.60 BGN/kg a positive value of profitability was registered for the fattening of chickens from group V – 16.03%. In all other groups, the profitability norm was negative. At a level of sale prices of 4.65 BGN/kg, the highest profitability was observed in the chickens of group V – 48.21%, followed by group IV – 25.37%, while the lowest cost efficiency was in group III – 4.24%. In the variant with a sale price of 5.30 BGN/kg, the profitability norm was the highest in group V – 68.14%, followed by group IV – 42.13% and group II – 40.98%, while the lowest level was in group III – 18.21%.