Economic evaluation of winter wheat leaf fertilization

During the years 2006-2009 field experiment with winter wheat was held in the region of Stara Zagora. The object of study is the economic impact of leaf treatment with liquid fertilizer micro on productivity of winter wheat. Field experiment includes the following study options: control; fertilization with Wuxal Mikroplant; Wuxal Mikroplant and Kodiche applied in combination, Fertilider; Wuxal Copper. Foliar treatment with micro-fertilizer was made after booting, before inflorescence emergence, during intensive growth and development of plants, where the need for nutrients is the greatest. Economic analysis of the results show that the application of liquid fertilizers leads to low production cost. The cost of grain decreased to 40% of the control average for the period of study. It is therefore recommended for winter wheat, before inflorescence emergence to make leaf fertilization. Research shows that the introduction of microfertilizers 9 to 36 percent increase profitability compared to conventionally grown winter wheat.

Economic evaluation of winter wheat leaf fertilization

A. Stoyanova, I. Gospodinov, R. Petkova