G. Velkovska*
Higher School of Security and Economics, 4004 Plovdiv, 13 Kuklensko shose Blvd., Bulgaria
(Manuscript received 2 June 2024; accepted for publication 4 November 2024)
Abstract. In Annex No. 2 to Article 93, Paragraph 1, Item 1 and Item 2 of the Law on Environmental Protection, investment proposals in the field of agriculture, forestry and water management are regulated, for which an assessment of the impact on environment is required. The group of investment proposals includes activities such as: consolidation of agricultural lands, use of uncultivable lands for intensive agricultural purposes, reclamation activities in agriculture, etc. According to the norm of Article 81, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Environmental Protection, ecological assessment and assessment of the impact on the environment are carried out on plans, programs and investment proposals for construction, in the implementation of which significant impacts on the environment are possible.
The report examines and analyzes some legal norms from the Bulgarian ecological, agrarian and construction legislation, which regulate the need and importance of environmental impact assessment when implementing investment proposals in agricultural territories and some practical problems in this area.