S. Masheva, V. Yankova, G. Toskov
Abstract. During the period 2009-2010 in the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv in pot experiments screening was conducted for biofumigation activity of five plant species (chrysanthemum, broccoli, tagetes, basil and marigolds in the rate of 4 kg/m2). Herbage (50 days) was introduced in August in soil infested with Verticillium dahliae and Meloidogyne arenaria. The containers were covered with polyethylene film. The maintained humidity is 75- 80% and soil temperature – 37,8º C – 45,5º C. On the following year pepper plants (variety Kurtovska kapiya1619) were planted in pots with pathogen and tomatoes (variety Ideal) in pots with nematode. All testing plants species showed activity towards the verticillium wilt and nematodes. The Neal highest efficacy against Verticillium dahliae Kleb. is reported in variants with plant residues of chrysanthemum (E=76,11%) and broccoli (E=71,99%), and against Meloidogyne arenaria – with broccoli (E=71,23%), chrysanthemum (E=67,68%) and tagetes (E=64,79%).