Efficacy and selectivity of herbicides and herbicide combinations at winter oilseed canola, grown by conventional and Clearfield technologies

Gr. Delchev* Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Abstract. During the period 2010 – 2012, on the experimental field of the Field Crops Institute, Chirpan a field experiment was carried out with imitolerant hybrid winte
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Effect of the date of application of a set of herbicides in common winter wheat crops on weed infestation

Z. Petrova*, G. Sabev 1Department of Agrotechnology, Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, 9520 General Toshevo, Bulgaria Abstract. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of the date of introduction of herbicides on the infestation with weeds. The experiments were carri
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Efficacy and selectivity of some herbicides on winter oilseed rape

M. Dimitrova*, I. Zhalnov, D. Stoychev Department of Farming and Herbology, Faculty of Agronomy, Agricultural University, 12 Mendeleev, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Abstract. Within the period 2011 – 2014 in the experimental field of the Agricultural University, Plovdiv, field experiments w
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Sulfo technology for multiplication of sunflower hybrids resistant to tribenuron metil-based herbicides

C. Melucă, N. Pîrvu, T. Nistor, R. Sturzu, A. Stoilova Abstract. Certain experiments with sunflower hybrids realized through Sulfo technology, resistant to tribenuron methyl 75% based herbicides were performed at Agricultural Research and Development Station(ARDS)Teleorman, Romania. T
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Efficacy and selectivity of antibroadleaved herbicides at durum wheat against volunteers of coriander, Clearfield canola, Clearfield sunflower and ExpressSun sunflower

G. Delchev Abstract. During the period 2010 – 2012, on the experimental field of the Field Crops Institute, Chirpan was carried out a field experiment with durum wheat cultivar Elbrus (Triticum durum var. valenciae). A total of 24 variants were investigated. They include vegetat
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Efficacy and selectivity of vegetation-applied herbicides and their mixtures with growth stimulator Amalgerol premium at oil-bearing sunflower grown by conventional, Clearfield and ExpressSun technologies

G. Delchev Abstract. During the period 2010 – 2012, on the experimental field of the Field Crops Institute – Chirpan was carried out a field experiment with oil-bearing sunflower (Helianthus annuus). A total of 18 variants from the three technologies for oil-bearing sunflower gr
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Stability of herbicides and herbicide tank-mixtures at winter oilseed canola by influence of different meteorological conditions

G. Delchev Abstract. During the period 2010 – 2012, on the experimental field of the Field Crops Institute – Chirpan was carried out a field experiment with conventional Maximus hybrid PR44D06 (Brassica napus). A total of 15 variants were investigated. Canola hybrid from Maximus
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Influence of some herbicides and herbicide tank mixtures on the grain yield and sowing seeds of durum wheat

G. Delchev Abstract. The research was conducted during 2008–2010 in Field Crops Institute, Chirpan, Bulgaria. The influence of 8 different herbicides and tank mixtures on durum wheat was studied with the participation of 4 new products: Palace 75 WG – 200 and 250 g/ha, Axial 050 EC –
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Impact of mixtures between retardants and combined herbicides on the sowing properties of the durum wheat

G. Delchev Abstract. The research was conducted in 2007-2009 on the experimental field of the Field Crops Institute, Chirpan, Bulgaria, on pellic vertisol soil type. Factor A included no treated check and 5 retardants – Stabilan (chlormequat) – 2 l/ha, Flordimex extra (ethephon)
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