V. Yankova, S. Masheva, B. Boev, K. Toskov
Abstract. The endoparasite Encarsia formosa Gah. is one of the well-known and frequently used bioagents for control of greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westw.). The effect of many applied pesticides is negative towards this useful species. Successful combination of chemical products and biological method in the integrated plant protection systems requires recognition of their side-effect toward the useful species. Laboratory tests for establishment of the plant protection product toxicity to the imago of the parasite E. formosa were carried out in the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv during the period 2007-2011. The products BioNeem Plus 1.5 ЕC 0.25% (i. a. azadirachtin), Preferal WG 0.1% – 0.2% (Paecilomyces fomoso-roseus), Timorex 66 EC 1.0% (i. a. extract from Malaleuca alternifolia), Rubin 72 WP 0.25% (i. a. metalaxil-mancoceb) are non-toxic to E. formosa parasite. These products could be applied in the integrated plant protection systems. The insecticides Bi 58 0.1% (i. a. dimethoat), Confidor energy OD 0.08% (i. a. imidacloprid+deltametrin) and Decis 2.5 ЕC 0.05% (i. a. deltametrin) that are strongly toxic should be avoided in use of the parasite E. formosa.