Comparative analysis of some investments costs for free rearing female breeding calves

The objective of the study is to compare and analyze investment costs for construction and technological equipment of buildings with different way for free rearing of female breeding calves, as a result of which to define the most economical and practically recommendable solutions with different capacity of dairy cattle-breeding farm. A total of 8 technological variants for freestall rearing of female calves and heifers in farms for 40, 60. 80 and 100 cows have been compared (4 variants for buildings with group cubicles on a sloping floor – for calves 3 to 18 months old and with Butterfly landings for heifers and 4 variants for buildings with group cubicles on straw bedding). It has been established that with the same farm capacity the variants for buildings with group cubicles on a sloping floor for calves and with a Butterfly landing for heifers are more economical than buildings with group cubicles on straw bedding by relative construction cost of the load bearing and fencing structures and by relative total construction cost, but they are more capital-intensive by relative construction cost of the floor profile. By increasing the farm capacity from 40 to 100 cows the parameters of the two types of technological variants (with group cubicles on a sloping floor for calves and Butterfly landing for heifers and with group cubicles on straw bedding) decrease – the relative construction cost of the technological profile drops from 299 to 203 BGN/st.pl. (up to 47,3 %), the relative construction cost of the load bearing and fencing structures drops from 1388 to 832 BGN/st.pl. (up to 66,8 %), the relative total construction cost – from 1650 BGN/st.pl. to 1080 BGN/st.pl. (up to 52,8 %). The variant with group cubicles on a sloping floor for calves and with Butterfly landing for heifers on a farm with capacity for 100 cows is the most economical – up to 66,8 % by relative construction cost of the load bearing and fencing structures of the buildings and up to 52,8 % by relative total construction cots. The variant with group cubicles on straw bedding on a farm with capacity for 100 cows is more economical up to 47,3% than the other variants by relative construction cost of the floor profile.

Comparative analysis of some investments costs for free rearing female breeding calves

V. Dimova, Y. Popova, D. Dinev