Botanical composition of the main pasture types in Sakar and Strandja region

V. Vateva, K. Stoeva, D. Pavlov Abstract. Natural meadows and pastures are some of the most valuable ecosystems, which oversee a wide variety of plant species. Exploration of the biodiversity of the pasture swards and meadows in the region is mainly to familiarize and with a view to t
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Effect of organo-mineral fertilization on growth and development of perennial grass mixture, cultivated in Strandzha

During the period 2005-2008 at the Experimental Station of Agriculture in the town of Sredetz, based on field experiment with organo-mineral  fertilization of grass mixture comprising: alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-60%, tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae, Schreb)-20%, and cocksfoot (Dac
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