Selectivity and stability of new herbicides and herbicide combinations for the seed yields of some field crops I. Effect at Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum L.)

G. Delchev*

Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria (Manuscript received 28 January 2016; accepted for publication 2 March 2016)

Abstract. . The research was conducted during 2013 – 2015 on pellic vertisol soil type. Under investigation was Bulgarian coriander cultivar Lozen 1 (Coriandrum sativum L.). The purpose of the investigation was to establish the selectivity and stability of some herbicides, herbicide combinations and herbicide tank mixtures on the coriander. Factor A included the years of investigation. Factor B included no treated check, 6 soil-applied herbicides – Tendar EC, Silba SC, Sharpen 33 EC, Merlin flex 480 SC, Smerch 24 ЕC, Raft 400 SC and 5 foliar-applied herbicides – Kalin flo, Eclipse 70 DWG, Sultan 500 SC, Corrida 75 DWG, Lontrel 300 EC. Factor C included no treated check and 1 antigraminaceous herbicide – Tiger platinium 5 EC. Soil-applied herbicides were treated during the period after sowing before emergence. Foliar-applied herbicides were treated during rosette stage of the coriander. It is found that tank mixtures of Tiger platinum with foliar herbicides Kalin flo, Eclipse, Sultan, Corrida and Lontrel lead to obtaining of high seed yields. High yields of coriander seeds also are obtained by foliar treatment with antigraminaceous herbicide Tiger platinum after soil-applied herbicides Raft, Smerch, Sharpen, Silba and Tendar. The use of the soil-applied herbicide Merlin flex does not increase the seed yield, due to its higher phytotoxicity on coriander. The most unstable are herbicide Merlin flex and herbicide combination Merlin flex + Tiger platinum. Technologically the most valuable are herbicide combination Raft + Tiger platinum and herbicide tank- mixture Kalin flo + Tiger platinum. Self-use of soil-applied or foliar-applied herbicides have low estimate due to they must to combine for full control of weeds in coriander crops.
