Economic efficiency of weed control at Sudan grass

R. Bazitov1*, A. Stoyanova2

1Agricultural Institute, Radnevo road, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
2Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagoraр Bulgaria

(Manuscript received 10 June; accepted for publication 01 November 2022)

Abstract. The aim of the present study was to establish the economic efficiency of the use of some herbicides and combinations in the control of weeds in the Sudan grass variety “Endje”, grown in conditions without irrigation. The study was conducted in the period 2018 – 2020 in the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute – Stara Zagora. The following herbicides were tested:Arat – 0.200 kg/ha, Buktril universal – 0.8 l/ha, Stomp new 330EK- 3.5 l/ha, Wing P – 3.5 l/ha and Dicopur F-1.1 l/ha. The economic analysis was prepared on the basis of developed technological projects, according to the yield obtained from each variant. It was found that the most economically efficient was the variant with the application of the herbicide Buctril universal – 0.8 l/ha. The profitability was the highest – 34% and from one hectare you got BGN 980 more profit compared to the option without herbicides.