T. Stoyanova, I. Minev, P. Minkov
Abstract. The ratio of the following black currant varieties to economically important fungal disease antracnose (Gloeosporium ribes) is examined: Neosipayushchiyasya, Bogatir, Biryulevskaya, Ometta, Titania, Lissil, Hedda, Ben Moor, Ben Tirran, Ben Sarek, Ben Lomond and Silvergieters schwarze. They are grown in a plantation without a collector’s plant-protection activities in natural background contamination. In the varieties tested in the years of the study varying degrees of attack were established. The assault index reported at Ometta and Hedda varieties varies most widely. Years characterized by more rainfall favor stronger development of the disease. For the entire period of the study with the least antracnose attack outlines the following varieties: Ben Sarek, Bogatir, Silvergieters schwarze