Manganese levels in water, sediment and algae from waterbodies with high anthropogenic impact

V. Atanasov, E. Valkova, G. Kostadinova, G. Petkov, Ts. Yablanski, P. Valkova, D. Dermendjieva Abstract. A survey and assessment of manganese (Mn) levels was carried out on the chain water – sediment – algae from 6 monitoring points, situated at three rivers and a dam with high anthro
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Influence of liming with Ca(OH) on the iron and manganese content in foliage of vine varieties

K. Trendafilov, V. Valcheva Abstract. In conditions of combined field experiment the influence of liming with Ca(OH) in rates of 1,0, 2,5 and 5,0 t/ha on the input of nitrogen, phosphorus 2 and potassium in the leaves of fertility vines from varieties Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Cabe
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