Assessment of the impact of the costs of building the floor profile on the technological flexibility of four-row buildings for free-box breeding of cows

V. Dimova* Department of Agrarian Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria (Manuscript received 18 March 2022; accepted for publication 20 May 2022) Abstract. A total of 20 popular technical and technological schemes of semi-open four-row bui
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Zoo-hygienic assessment of lighting in semi-open freestall barns for dairy cows

D. Dimov Department of Applied Ecology and Animal Hygiene, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria (Manuscript received 1 September 2018; accepted for publication 16 January 2019) Abstract. The aim of the present study was to perform a zoo-hygienic asses
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Influence of the farm construction, farm regimen and season on the comfort indices of dairy cows

D. Dimov1*, Ch. Miteva1, Zh. Gergovska2 1Department of Applied Ecology and Animal Hygiene, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. 2Department of Animal Science – Ruminants and Dairy Farming, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora,
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Chromium level in water, sediment, aquatic plants and meat of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) from different water bodies in Bulgaria

E. Valkova1*, V. Atanasov1, K. Velichkova2, G. Kostadinova3, M. Tzanova1 1Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Physics, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria 2Department of Biology and Aquaculture; Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 600
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Agroecological assessment of wastewater from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant by physico-chemical parameters

G. Kostadinova*, D. Dermendzhieva, G. Petkov, I. Taneva Department of Applied Ecology and Animal Hygiene, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Вulgaria Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate and assess the wastewater quality in two monitoring p
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Agroecological assessment of wastewater and sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant by content of nutrient inputs

G. Kostadinova*, D. Dermendjieva, G. Petkov, J. Gotchev Department of Applied Ecology and Animal Hygiene, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Вulgaria Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate and assess the quality of wastewater and sludge from
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Sanitary hygienic assessment of drinking water from underground source at a pig farm

G. Kostadinova Abstract. The aim of the study was to investigate and assess the quality of drinking water, obtained from own well source at a pig farm (with an average daily number of reared pigs 532 units), situated in South Bulgaria, Plovdiv Municipality, on the base of main organol
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Comparative assessment of plant resources as substrates for bioshlam production

Z. Shindarska, V. Kirov, G. Kostadinova, B. Baykov It was made a comparative assessment of the main technological parameters of the silages of different types as a source for the production of biogas as well as it was given an assessment to the bioshlam derived from them. For this pur
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Manganese levels in water, sediment and algae from waterbodies with high anthropogenic impact

V. Atanasov, E. Valkova, G. Kostadinova, G. Petkov, Ts. Yablanski, P. Valkova, D. Dermendjieva Abstract. A survey and assessment of manganese (Mn) levels was carried out on the chain water – sediment – algae from 6 monitoring points, situated at three rivers and a dam with high anthro
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Water quality assessment from own source at poultry farm located in rural region in South Bulgaria

R. Stefanova, G. Kostadinova, N. Georgieva Abstract. The aim of the study was to investigate and assess the quality of water, obtained from own well source at a poultry farm (with capacity 13 350 hens and turkeys), situated in rural area in South Bulgaria, on the basis of organoleptic
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