Quality of grain and flour of foreign bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) under the conditions of south Dobrudzha region

P. Chamurliyski1*, N. Tsenov2, I. Stoeva3, S. Doneva3, E. Penchev3 1Department of Crop Science and Plant Protection, College Dobrich, Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen, 9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria 2Agronom I Holding, 9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria 3Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, 9521 G
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Gene action in the inheritance of date to ear emergence and time to physiological maturity in bread wheat crosses (Triticum aestivum L.)

N. Tsenov1*, T. Gubatov1, E. Tsenova2 Abstract. The date of ear emergence (DEE) and the date (time) of physiological maturity (TPM), as quantitative indication affect yield and in this respect any information about their genetic nature is important for breeding in climatic anomalies o
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Status of remote hybrids in the Poaceae: problems and prospects

H. Stoyanov Abstract. Wide hybridization as a tool of classical breeding is a method which is successfully applied in the development of breeding programs in cultural plants. Its application is a particularly effective means to overcome the effects of biotic and abiotic stress in cult
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Investigation on the effect of the environment on some new common winter wheat varieties

E. Penchev, K. Kostov, I. Stoeva, V. Dochev Abstract. The effect of the environment on a group of new Bulgarian varieties was investigated in three different locations for a period of 5 years. AMMI models were applied. The dispersion analysis carried out proved the different genetic p
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Technological evaluation of new common winter wheat lines developed at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute – General Toshevo

I. Stoeva Abstract. This study investigated the changes in the technological properties of common winter wheat lines of the latest generation of DAI breeding during the period 2004 – 2008. The dynamics of meteorological factors during the years of investigation typical for the region
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Economic evaluation of winter wheat leaf fertilization

During the years 2006-2009 field experiment with winter wheat was held in the region of Stara Zagora. The object of study is the economic impact of leaf treatment with liquid fertilizer micro on productivity of winter wheat. Field experiment includes the following study options: contr
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Relation between time to heading and date of maturity of winter common wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.)

The changed duration of the time to heading and maturity is an important element of the wheat’s adaptability to specific production conditions. The question whether a variety early by its heading date remains early by its maturation date is a significant one, but the data on thi
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Influence of genotype and environments on quality of winter wheat varieties in Northern Bulgaria

The investigation included 16 varieties from first and second quality group according to the Bulgarian state standard. The aim of the investigation was to find out the level of influence of different environmental factors on wheat quality indices; to follow the response of the varieti
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